Last Thursday was a very long day! We were at a football game watching Makenzie cheer when Gwen came rnning up the bleechers yelling that Boden was hurt. Come to find out, some big kids were playing with some big tractor tires, flipping them over, and boden got in the way. He was crushed between a 250 pound tire and a steel railing. He really didn't look like he was hurt too badly, but he was struggling to breathe and a there happened to be a nurse there who said he needed to go to the ER. Within 2 hours Boden and I were on a Life Flight helicopter to Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake. He had a bruised kidney, bruised and punctured lung, and the most serious was a lacerated liver. When he arrived his liver laceration was classified as a grade 5, which is the most damage your liver can handle and you still survive. We feel so blessed that it was not worse than it was. He is such a trooper and was so good in the Hospital. He spent two nights in the ICU and four more in the Trauma Unit. He had a tube that went up his nose, down the back of his throat and into his stomach. He wasn't able to eat for 2 1/2 days which was a very hard thing because he was hungry. Imagine your 3 year old telling you he is hungry and begging for food and you can't give him anything. It was awful!! Anyway, he is doing so good now. We are home and just trying to keep him from being too crazy. He is not supposed to do anything for the next 12 weeks that could raise the chance of a fall, crash, bump or bang. So, no bikes, scooters, tramps, jumping, running, or leaping off the couch while doing a flip(his favorite!) Here are some pics of his time in the hospital.
Above: first day in ICU
Below: second day in ICU
Above: Day 3, moved to Trauma Unit (Wes, finally getting some sleep!)
Below: He finally gets to eat jello and broth!! Even after he didn't want anymore he wouldn't let me move the tray away from him!
Below: On Sunday a Harley Davidson group came and brought toys to all the kids in the Trauma Unit! It was so cool to see these big rough men being so kind and loving.
Ok now that I am crying.... I am so glad he is home and better! My prayers were answered! love you guys, and I ope things only get better.
I'm so glad that Boden is OK!!! Mere's kept me posted. How scary! Poor little guy...
I'm sitting here crying right now, I think I have been emotional because of conference and that just topped it when I saw poor little Boden with all those tubes on him and stuff. I'm so glad he's ok, I am so sorry you had to go through all that. Let me know if you need anything at all! love ya:)
poor little guy~~~ well i am so happy he is ok!!! how are ya friend?? i am so nervous to see what the fourth book has in treat for me i am already at the wedding so that is a big relief and she is prego lol!!! i seriously want edward as my hubby lol~~~ well how is everything?? how is work and all that jazz?? has you hubby found any info on a job? well if there is anything i can do please let me know !! love ya friend hope all is just fabulous!! miss ya tons!!!:)
He looks so sad and sweet at the same time. Wow!
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