Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Baby Boy is 4!!!!!!!!

So I am a little slow posting these pics, but here is my big boy. These were taken on his birthday which happened to be on a Sunday. He wanted to open his presents as soon as church was over and I wanted to get some pics of him all dressed up and looking so handsome. I told him that as soon as we got some pictures he could open his presents. That's all it took.....he just started posing. He is so cute!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


FYI: Halloween is my least favorite holiday. That being said, I have very few pics. So here are our two bats! Boden was Batman and Gwen, Batgirl. They had a great time trick-or-treating in our neighborhood and handing out candy at our house when they were done.Below: On our way to see Grandma and Grandpa. It's hard to see here, but Bo has 2 suckers in his mouth! One was not enough! I'm the kind of mom that lets the kids eat their candy till it's gone. Too much stress and fighting to try to ration it and make it last. Eat it, get sick and when it's gone it's GONE!!!
This post is dedicated to Kristi! Ha Ha!! I hope your happy!

Monday, October 13, 2008

I've Been Tagged!!!

Well, this is the first time I've been tagged. Kind of exciting! So I am supposed to say 6 things that are weird about me. That should be easy!!

1. I find it physically, mentally, and emotionally impossible to watch a movie at the movie theatre without movie popcorn. Wes usually wants to go to dinner first and I don't cause I am going to have to get popcorn!

2. I am a dipper!! I love to dip pb&j or chocolate chip cookies in milk. My kids do it too and some of their friends have picked it up (much to the dismay of their mothers!).

3. I feel like I have an emotional/spiritual connection with the ocean and I think if I don't go there soon I might freak out....or worse!!!

4. I'm not a neat freak. Most of my friends are, so that is kinda weird.

5. I have very few close friends. (Maybe cause I'm not a neat freak! jk!) I just feel like there are not many people I can be myself around.

6. I am addicted to caffeine! There, I said it!!! I can't go a day without a Pepsi or a Dr. Pepper!

Whew!! That was harder than I thought! I tag Ericka and Kristi!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Boden's Close Call

Last Thursday was a very long day! We were at a football game watching Makenzie cheer when Gwen came rnning up the bleechers yelling that Boden was hurt. Come to find out, some big kids were playing with some big tractor tires, flipping them over, and boden got in the way. He was crushed between a 250 pound tire and a steel railing. He really didn't look like he was hurt too badly, but he was struggling to breathe and a there happened to be a nurse there who said he needed to go to the ER. Within 2 hours Boden and I were on a Life Flight helicopter to Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake. He had a bruised kidney, bruised and punctured lung, and the most serious was a lacerated liver. When he arrived his liver laceration was classified as a grade 5, which is the most damage your liver can handle and you still survive. We feel so blessed that it was not worse than it was. He is such a trooper and was so good in the Hospital. He spent two nights in the ICU and four more in the Trauma Unit. He had a tube that went up his nose, down the back of his throat and into his stomach. He wasn't able to eat for 2 1/2 days which was a very hard thing because he was hungry. Imagine your 3 year old telling you he is hungry and begging for food and you can't give him anything. It was awful!! Anyway, he is doing so good now. We are home and just trying to keep him from being too crazy. He is not supposed to do anything for the next 12 weeks that could raise the chance of a fall, crash, bump or bang. So, no bikes, scooters, tramps, jumping, running, or leaping off the couch while doing a flip(his favorite!) Here are some pics of his time in the hospital. Above: first day in ICU
Below: second day in ICU

Above: Day 3, moved to Trauma Unit (Wes, finally getting some sleep!)

Below: He finally gets to eat jello and broth!! Even after he didn't want anymore he wouldn't let me move the tray away from him!

Below: On Sunday a Harley Davidson group came and brought toys to all the kids in the Trauma Unit! It was so cool to see these big rough men being so kind and loving.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Kyle get's Fancy with help from Nancy!!!

It's official, Wes and I are OLD!!! Kyle is 16 and went to his first Homecoming Dance. I must admit I was was more excited than he was, (and he was really excited!) He and his date, Catherine went with their friends, Tanner and Jen. Both girls let me do their hair and it was a blast! The guys were handsome, the girls beautiful and they had a great night!!!

Kyle, in deep thought.......I wonder who's on his mind???Kyle and Cathrine.....I guess we know now!!
Who can blame him, she's a sweetheart and gorgeous too!
The Four Amigos
Tanner and Jen on the left and Kyle and Catherine on the right.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Bring it On!!!

It was so much fun watching Makenzie cheer in her first game! We really didn't pay any attention to the football game cause the real show was on the sidelines!!!! She loves doing stunts, minus catching the sweaty armpits!We are so excited for her, she has worked so hard to be where she is. We love you Makenzie! Rah, rah, ree, kick 'em in the Knee!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Picnic in the pines

We decided to go on a picnic in the mountains on Sunday afternoon. We had so much fun hanging out with our kids with no TV, phones, cell phones etc. We almost had to do CPR on Makenzie when she realized she didn't get cell service. It was fnny watching her walk around with her phone in the air trying to get a signal!
Our cute kids!!!Kyle and his "friend" Catherine.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Bloggers

Welcome to our family blog. I am brand new at this so it might take a while to figure out. If it looks a little dorky, don't worry, it can only get better!!!